Author Archives: Jeremy

Preparing for Winter


Now is a great time to start getting the winter and fall colors out into our yard.  Just because the rest of the yard goes dormant does not mean your homes curb appeal needs to.  On today’s market, there are so many options for textures and colors.  The old faithful that continues to impress year after year are pansies.  With so many color options, there is no end to your design possibilities.  Group same colors together for bigger impact.  if you have a big enough area and feel creative try planting patterns by using colors.

Other options are decorative cabbage.  These are fun and easy.  They are great for added   texture and deep true colors.  Mums are another great option but their bloom time is short lived.  Small ornamental grasses can be mixed in for textural contrast and dusty millers are a great way to great some highlight color.

November – Mums


Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colorsChrysanthemums or mums are a native to China where they were origionally used as herbs as early as the 15th century BC.  It was later introduced to Japan where it became the emperor’s official seal.  They were not introduced to America until 1798 when Colonel John Stevens brought the cultivar ‘Deep Purple’ over from Europe.


• In many European countries and China the Chrysanthemum is a symbol of grief. In America, however, they are regaurded as positive and cheerful.
• They are the Mother’s Day flower in Australia
• The flower is one of the “Four Gentlemen” in Chinese art
• Mums are the topic in 100’s of Chinese poems
• The Chrysanthemum Throne is the name given to the position of Japanese Emperor
• Mums are the official flower of Chicago, Ill and Salinas, Ca


• Grows best in full sun
• Regular watering
• Needs rich organic soil
• Likes lost of fertilizer (once a week)
• Bloom time is fall


In early spring through early August it is good to pinch off or cut back 1/2 to 1 inch of new growth on an as needed basis to ensure a dense growth habit.  This also encourages more blooms in the fall.  When watering, it is best to water the base of the plant and not overhead especially if you have a dense plant as mildew can form easily.  Fertilize once per week when blooming and once ever two weeks during the growing season.  Mum’s can spread easily and quickly so if you have them in the ground it is good to separate them every two years.

Welcome to One 12 Landscaping!

One 12 Landscaping is a maintenance, design and install business servicing Columbia, Lexington and surrounding areas.  We pride ourselves on personal attention and care for you and your yard.  In a job field where we come a “dime a dozen” we set ourselves apart by making it our goal to work for you, the client, not ourselves.  As the owner, I believe that the most important rule in business is watching out for the customer’s needs first.  I take pride in the work we do and treat each yard as if it were my own.  After all, your yard is our resume.